Frog's Rainy Day Curriculum By Lisa Updike This Curriculum is an eight-week course on Christian worldview using the award-winning book Frog’s Rainy-Day Story and Other Fables. WORLD magazine has designated this engaging and thought-provoking book one of the six most outstanding Christian picture books for the 21st century. Recommended for [...]
CDM Webmaster2023-03-24T11:37:35-05:00VISIT MTW KIDS LIVING ON MISSION KIDS LIVING ON MISSION Featuring resources from Mission to the World and Committee on Discipleship Ministries. How do we equip our children to be missionaries? How do we teach them the importance of taking the gospel around the world? MTW has partnered with CDM to develop resources [...]
Children’s Ministry Certification
CDM Webmaster2023-03-24T11:37:47-05:00Children's Ministry Certification What is Children’s Ministries Certification? CDM’s Certification Program is theological and practical training for non-ordained staff or volunteers who are currently serving in children’s ministry within the local church. Whether your church is 50 or 5000 people, this certification program will impact your church by developing and enhancing your [...]

Building Little Pillars (PDF Download of entire book)
CDM Webmaster2023-03-24T11:38:00-05:00Building Little Pillars (PDF Download of entire book) Teaching the Foundations of the Christian Faith to Children Ages 3 to 6 Author: Heather Molendyk – PCA Like the wise man in Scripture, we want our children’s spiritual foundations to run deep, providing stability and protection. With training to set their minds on [...]
Teach Me to Worship
CDM Webmaster2023-03-24T11:38:09-05:00CDM Children's Worship Curriculum Teach Me to Worship is adapted from a curriculum originally developed by the staff at Orangewood Presbyterian Church in Maitland, FL. The curriculum presents and explains common elements of worship that the universal church has used throughout the ages. An annual subscription allows full access to downloadable PDF’s of [...]