Little Hearts Prepare Him Room: An Advent Devotional That Grows With Your Family

By Holly Mackle

Little Hearts, Prepare Him Room is a family Advent devotional designed to grow alongside the hearts of your little ones. Allowing you to go deeper as children grow older, the readings of the well-known texts call children and parents alike to taste the grace of Christmas and to apply that grace to the parts of life that don’t make sense.

With scriptures primarily from the gospels of Luke and Matthew and themes from the Westminster Confession of Faith, both content and reflection questions intend to address the heart of the matter: what God says about us in His Word and how His truth shapes our lives.

Holly Mackle is the wife of David and mama of two flower-sneaking bitties. She is one of the authors of the study Engaging Motherhood: Heart Preparation for a Holy Calling, and runs the online community Holly blogs life and tomatoes at, and is a regular contributor to and enCourage, the women’s ministry blog for the PCA.